I don’t know if you know, but the fact that you have the opportunity to read this article and enjoy some good body massage videos online is something to be grateful for. There are many countries where pornography is banned. People there can’t access it unless they use networks or other tools. Even if they do, watching or promoting body massage can be very dangerous. The mildest measure is simply a punitive tax, and the most severe is several years of imprisonment…
The reasons vary depending on the country that made this important decision, but most of them cite morality and religious arguments. Here are the top 5 explanations for the porn ban:
Countries with a strong relationship with God usually consider body massage to be demoralizing. They are seen as encouraging people to have sex when it is not the right time, i.e. before marriage, and even worse for these cultures, with many partners. This is a serious violation of the moral code of such countries. The reason why a person cannot find a life partner he has already experienced the most intimate feelings with someone else…